Alagbara by Onos Detailed Lyrics

The bread of life is from you
The bread if life is you
Mountains bow before you
All the angels worship you
Oh oh oh yeah
Lord we honor you
Oh oh oh yeah
Great and mighty king

Alagbara, you are the mighty God
Eyin latobiju
You are the glorious God
Alagbara, you are the mighty God
Eyin latobiju
You are the glorious God

My help in ages past
My hope for years to come…hope for years to come
Jesus you are
Savior of the world….savior of the world
Oh oh oh….yeah
Lord we honor you
Oh oh oh oh yeah
Great and mighty king…uh

Alagbara, you are the mighty God
Eyin latobiju
You are the glorious God

Alagbara, you are the mighty God
Eyin latobiju
You are the glorious God

Alagbara, you are the mighty God
Eyin latobiju
You are the glorious God

Alagbara ni yin….kabiyo-osi
Ologojulo le je
Alagbara ni yin
Ologojulo le je
Alagbara ni yin
Ologojulo le je

ALSO SEE  Lyrics - Alagbara by Onos

Alagbara, you are the mighty God
Eyin latobiju
You are the glorious God

Alagbara, you are the mighty God
Eyin latobiju
You are the glorious God

Alagbara, you are the mighty God
Eyin latobiju
You are the glorious God

Alagbara, you are the mighty God
Eyin latobiju
You are the glorious God

Alagbara…ah…oh oh yea yea

Alagbara ni yin
Ologojulo le je

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