Aka Jehovah by Gabriel Eziashi Full Lyrics
Song Title : Aka Jehovah (The arm of the Lord)
Author: Gabriel Eziashi
Language: Igbo
Full Lyrics
Aka Aka Ya (The arm of the Lord)
Aka Jehovah na’eme mma (The arm of the Lord does great things)
Olu ebube ya (The display of His splendor)
Nke na eruari na’ebem no (I see all around me)
Isi iyi nke ndu (The stream of life)
Nke na dighi ata’ta (That never runs dry)
Aka aka ya (The arm of the Lord)
Aka Jehovah na’eme mma (The arm of His strength does great things)
Aka Jehovah na’eme mma (The arm of the Lord does great things)
Olu ebube ya (The display of His splendor)
Nke na eruari na’ebem no (I see all around me)
Isi iyi nke ndu (The stream of life)
Nke na dighi ata’ta (That never runs dry)
Aka aka ya (The arm of the Lord)
Aka Jehovah na’eme mma (The arm of His strength does great things)
The Video
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